CONCERTS & EVENTS Upcoming Events 16. 03. 2025165 Cornell St., Kingston, NY, The Lace Mill galleryTrio with Michael Bisio and Antonín Fajt 21. 03. 2025New York, NY, Bohemian National Hallduo with Antonin Fajt & guests – The Vibrations of Spring 25. 04. 2025Rhinebeck, NY Upstate, Open air pavilionZingora weekend school of vocal 26. 04. 2025Rhinebeck, NY Upstate, Open air pavilionZingora weekend school of vocal + concert 27. 04. 2025Rhinebeck, NY Upstate, Open air pavilionZingora weekend school of voice 03. 05. 2025 Rensselaerville, NY 12147, Conkling Hall, 8 Methodist Hill Rd,Chimera + Antonin Fajt 04. 05. 2025Kingston, NY, The Lace Mill, East GalleryChimera 09. 05. 2025Manchester, UK, Didsbury Baptist Church, Beaver Rd.,Trio with P. Fischer and J. Jedlinsky 10. 05. 2025London, UK, St Philip's Church, Earl's Court Rd.Trio with J. Jedlinsky & P. Fischer 24. 05. 2025Ostrava, CZ, Klub Parnik, Sokolska, 26Trio with P. Fischer and J. Jedlinsky 11. 07. 2025New YorkWorkshop Past Events 02. 02. 2025Salt Point, NYZingora vocal school 01. 02. 2025Salt Point, NYZingora vocal school 01. 02. 2025Salt Point, NY, country side , tbcduo with Timothy Hill 31. 01. 2025Salt Point, NYZingora vocal school 27. 11. 2024Brno, CZ, Theater of Bolek Polivkasolo & guest Petr Pavlinec 23. 11. 2024Zvolen, SK, Theater Józef Gregor TajovskiSuznenie with J.Luptak & others 19. 11. 2024Zlín, CZ, The Little hall Zlínwith Čikori 17. 11. 2024Prague, CZ, Community centre Jasoňwith Čikori 15. 11. 2024Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, CZ, Club Téčkowith J.Jedlinský & P.Fischer 14. 11. 2024Chrudim, CZ, Museum Chrudimwith J.Jedlinský & P.Fischer 22. 10. 2024Žamberk, CZwith NOCZ jazz quartet 20. 10. 2024Ostrava, CZwith NOCZ jazz quartet 16. 10. 2024České Budějovice, CZ, Church of saint Vojtech, benefit concertsolo and choir ZUŠ Vojtěch 15. 10. 2024Prague, CZ, Church of snt. Šimon & Judawith Mucha quartet 08. 10. 2024Brussel, Belgium, TicTac centreZingora vocal school 6 days workshop 06. 10. 2024Pardubice, CZ, Theater 29with J.Jedlinsky & P.Fischer 05. 10. 2024Kamenné Žehrovice, CZ, chapel of Panna Mariawith J.Jedlinsky & P.Fischer 04. 10. 2024Humpolec, CZ, Cinema hallwith Adam Ben Ezra 03. 10. 2024Prague, CZ, Club Dobeškatrio with J.Jedlinský & P.Fischer 02. 10. 2024Olomouc, CZ, Jazz Tibet clubwith I.Viktorin trio